Clinical and corporate governance
A Company with a Vision for Excellence
We implement robust clinical and corporate governance
Robust corporate systems for success
Verity Healthcare implement robust clinical and corporate governance protocols to facilitate effective and prudent management to deliver the long-term success
Our clinical and corporate governance procedures provide entrepreneurial and commercial safeguards to ensure business growth and survival. We achieve business accountability through a set of Non-Executive Directors’ monitoring processes. They set the company’s strategic aims and providing leadership and supervising the management of business towards achieving the lasting productivity.
Our corporate governance protocols demand commitment to achieving best practice. It’s our goal that in implementing robust governance procedures we achieve wider impacts such as improving transparency and accountability within existing systems.
Through corporate governance, different accountability structures have been implemented and the values of the company shared for effective day-to-day operational management of the company so that the company performs better

Through corporate governance, different accountability structures have been implemented and the values of
We comply with CQC and other regulatory requirements.
Verity Healthcare is committed to clinical governance as the way of ensuring that our clients are kept safe and receive highest quality of care.
To achieve our goal of offering high quality and high value services to our clients, we implement client governance policies and procedures to:
- recruit and retain highly staff working in efficient teams
- Promote continual staff training and continuing professional development
- implement risk management systems in compliance to legislation and regulations
- Undertake clinical audits to compare staff performance against a standard
- Implement improvement plans to secure high standards of service
- Promote clients’ voice, experience and involvement
- Adopt evidence-based findings for client care and effectiveness
the company shared for effective day-to-day operational management of the company so that the company performs better.
Our commitment
It is our absolute commitment to deliver safe, high quality, clinically-effective services with the best possible outcomes for our clients. We do this by learning from evidence-based research findings, client reviews and incidents and complaints and striving to continually improve the care we provide and the outcomes we deliver. We demonstrate our commitment to clinical governance through the work of our Quality Assurance Advisory Board who regularly review the quality and standards of care delivered to our clients.
We comply with regulation to help implement services which are caring, safe, reliable and effective through self-reviews and the work of independent compliance regulators such as:
- Care Quality Commission
- ISO 9001
- ISO 14001
- OHSAS 18001
- Investors in People
We deliver services within a framework of equality and values that promote the rights and choices of all people with different health and social care needs to promote dignity and independence.
Bupa is managed in line with the corporate governance safeguards and commercial principles that would be expected to be found in a UK listed company.
Bupa has a majority of independent Non-Executive Directors, including an independent Chairman. Bupa takes corporate governance very seriously and is committed to meeting best practice where this is appropriate. The independent Non-Executive Directors currently outnumber Executive Directors by a ratio of three to one.
The Board supports the principles of corporate governance set out in the UK Corporate Governance Code published by the Financial Reporting Council in June 2010, and updated in September 2012 and September 2014. Bupa has complied with the provisions set out in the 2014 Code throughout the year ended 31 December 2016.
We have a policy on Board Diversity, which was approved in February 2012.
Bupa’s subsidiaries are supervised by external regulators, including in the UK the Financial Conduct Authority and the Care Quality Commission. Separate regulatory requirements apply to each market in which Bupa operates.
This section is split into:
- Our Executive Team
- Our Board
- Board Committees
- Role of the Board
- Roles of the Chairman and Group CEO
- Role of the Senior Independent Director
- Role of the Non-Executive Director
- Association Members
- Bupa’s Articles of Association
- Board Diversity Policy
- Payment on cessation of Directorship
- Annual General Meeting.
Learn more about our Board, the various Bupa committees and download our most recent Governance Report.
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